People tend to be sports minded by nature to get fit and lose weight. We play all kinds of sports though we lack some facilities and equipment, yet we still manage to play sports in our own way. Filipinos are really ecstatic when it comes to playing. These people can just be found anywhere and everywhere just to play. Haven’t we notice that playing different kinds of sports can be just seen around the corner? May it be in our school, gym, sports arena, in our own house or our backyard and even in the streets. Filipinos are identified to love any kinds of ball games the most. There are lots of sports that we inherited from other countries such as football, baseball, volleyball and basketball. But among these sports, basketball is the most loved by all Filipinos. Basketball helps Filipinos get physically fit as well.
The Influential Game
Who doesn’t know Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Lebron James of the NBA and James Yap, Jeric Teng and the ever-idolized Robet Jaworski of Philippine Basketball Association or PBA? Every young boys admire these stars of basketball. At a very young age, most Filipino boys started playing basketball. It can be seen that young and old people until now still plays this sport whether in the gym or in the streets. This is the most favorite pastime of the boys. Basketball is not only for boys. Women too involved themselves in this game. Mostly, they can be seen in schools playing as a varsity player representing their respective school or just having fun with other girls playing in their own backyards.
Just think how influential this sport has been to everyone. It all started with the legendary National Basketball Association or NBA in the United States. It was then that we Filipinos have our own PBA that molded great players all throughout the time. Lots of young men aspire to be part of the Philippine basketball scene. Of course they want to be the next idol of the Philippine basketball. Or better yet, the next international Filipino basketball star. That’s why at a very early age, children nowadays are very much inclined and exposed in playing basketball.
The Game for Every Kid
In our country, just strolling around the streets, you can find happy kids playing basketball. Good enough for those who have enough space to play with. But it doesn’t matter, because as long as these kids love to play, they will really look for a certain place where they can dribble freely. At a very young age, these kids can start to get fit and healthy. Basketball can be played by anybody in all walks of life, there is no standard to it as long as you have a ball, a ring and group of friends. However, if you wish to play professionally, then there are certain requirements and criteria to follow. PBA players indulge themselves in trainings, practice, work-outs and exercise. They invest their time to fully achieve such good performance in the court. Just the same with the varsity players in certain schools in which they need to keep their body healthy and fit. They should observe proper diets, enough sleep and time management.